Improve Your Home Security

Home technology has come a long way in the past 15 years. With alarm and alert technology, today’s homeowners can always know exactly what’s going on in their homes. This gives homeowners the peace of mind in knowing that while they’re on vacation or at work, their home will be safe.
Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home. Unfortunately, many older homes lack the same level of security that newer homes have today. Old doors and windows compromise your home, giving experienced burglars easy access points through which to intrude.
One of the ways burglars can gain entry into a home is through the garage. Roughly 9% of people surveyed about break-and-enters in their homes claimed the burglar entered through the garage door. There are a few reasons that make it possible for intruders to breach old garage doors:
- An aging garage door doesn’t lock as firmly. With the right tools, a burglar can easily manipulate an old door lock or pry open the door.
- The motors in old garage doors wear out. This makes it much easier to lift the garage door from the bottom.
- Old garage doors have outdated technology. It’s possible that someone else has a garage door opener with the same frequency as yours. If a thief were to obtain an opener, they could use it to find random homes that matched its frequency.

You won’t have to worry about these security risks with a new garage door. Today’s garage doors are reinforced, lock firmly and can be integrated into a home’s existing security system.
For an added sense of safety, new technology allows homeowners to be in control of their garage doors. How many times have you left the house and wondered whether you left the garage door open? Garage door manufacturers like LiftMaster use smart technology to deliver real-time alerts letting homeowners know when their garage door is open. Smartphone apps also let homeowners control their garage doors remotely.
Your family’s safety is your top priority, and a new garage door can help protect your home so you can sleep better at night.